Gentlewomen, Gentlemen and Genteels in between.
This is the Lyne.
One never sees the Lyne but beholds her.
One never speaks to the Lyne but converses with her.
One never writes to the Lyne, but inscribes to her...

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Eat this, uck.

Interesting tidbit. A comment on my previous post...

"Happy New Year... Lunar that is..."
1 Comment - Show Original Post

charcoal said...

>> at least you got the yummy food....... grumble grumble <<
(Thursday, February 22, 2007 9:56:00 PM)

Density aside (^lookity uppity there^), "yummy" food is when you are NOT obliged to eat. Any Tom, Dick and faggot dumbass knows that I can eat myself to death. But, as usual, no one fucking cares, of course. It's called engorging, can you say "engorging", kids?

~ Lyne is still stomach-swooned. So fuck it. ~

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Happy New Year... Lunar that is...

Xin Nian Kuai Le! Gong Xi Fa Cai!
Wan Shi Ru Yi... Nian Nian You Yu...
Da ji Da Li...

And et cetera, et cetera, et cetera and Peter Cetera.

(God, I love my puns.)

Fifth Day of the New Year. Yeah, I'm late, I know. But boy, talk about hangovers. I was actually out of commission for 24 hours. That's twenty-four mind you. Why is the human stomach so weak? It isn't the work of alcohol alone, but the stomach to give you the ever-favourite of the many who have a good time.

Like me. I just ate and ate... and ate. What the hell. It is the Year of the Pig after all! And what better way to have a good time than to eat your troubles away. So, for me, having a good time to eat until I die. Gluttony, baby!

So nothing's fucking changed for me anyway.
Except for the fact that I've been hinted (jokingly) to quickly get married.
Lekas Lekas Kahwin... What?

Friday, February 16, 2007

Have It All

Saw this on the telly's news...

Havidol ®!!!

So I popped by the site at (where else) And I thought I should have it all, took the quiz and who knew that I don't Havidol? Forty Two! Bloody 42!! Won't I ever see the end of this damned number?! Anyway it's just a bunch of hogwash. I mean, come on! Have-it-all? Havidol!

Really? Have-it-all?
*The image shows a contented guy, some funny pun I picked out on the webby itself. It's called "content_male", but I think it should be "contented_male"

-- begin snippet --
My score :

Your score is 42.

If your score falls between 40-60 you should see your doctor immediately.

If your score is between 30-40 you may be on the brink of succumbing to DSACDAD. Be aware of this possibility and be prepared by discussing your options with your doctor.

If your score falls between 15-30 take a moment to check in with yourself. Determine if you are answering as truthfully as possible. It's okay to need help. And thankfully help is available."
-- end snippet --

Other incessant rants:
Oh, and now, I really can't have it all. My keyboard and my mouse are BOTH down. F-unbelievable. But since I am in a good mood, no swearing from me... so lucky you.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Happy Heart Day

I <3 some characters.

Now, notice I didn't say "people". That's because, these "characters" aren't real.

Ha! And some of you thought I had a real boyfriend... Please, I don't need one. Besides, I'm committment-phobic and having a steady is like... like... uh, keeping a pet. Especially if the pet produces crap and who has to clean it up? Well, similarities abound I say.

Anyway, poor CD. Lost her cellphone, she did. Now, who exactly would want to steal an ancient relic like a 7260. (Well, compared to my 3200, it is newer. I think.) Still, a greedy bastard is a greedy bastard. And the world's obsession with money has truly manifested itself as one great nega-entity. To be honest, there is no such thing as "evil". That's just an excuse for the actions of some people.

Speaking of spanking new digi-tech-toys, the moment you buy your latest gadget (and then fill out the warranty card), it's already outdated. Don't believe me? See below. In the words of, "Newer isn't always better." And wap-surfing/SMS-ing on your cellphone while your friends are talking is just plain rude. Damn these crazy-fangled inventions for eternity.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Still Down... But No Longer Out.

Oh. My. God. I have returned!

...yet again from an unexplained hiatus. Yes, try explaining when you've got mucous clogging up your grey matter and phlegm gobbed up in your respiratory system. Which is damned odd, really, why I am so susceptible to a mere cold. Me! A mere cold bringing me down. Sad, isn't it?

However, Lyne isn't giving her 100% and she hasn't got her voice back. No kidding, I completely lost my vocal prowess (eh, really?) on Friday. And now that it's returned, I've lost seven days of February. But my point is... blog update!

I was just checking up on some old bookmarks. seems to have found the Taiwan Earthquake quite a hindrance. Speaking of fan fiction, why is it so hard for people to grasp the concept of "it's" and "its"? And grammar, oh lordy, grammar can be so brutally massacred at times, it makes me wonder what is the point of writing in a language you aren't familiar with, at all? Seriously, pretty daft people the world has.

Ooh, aah! And Ubisoft has updated the Assassin's Creed site. I think. I don't know and I don't care! As long as you keep the multimedia coming in! Yummers! Still I think this would be some awesome if it was as real as pseudo-fantasy/Crusades-era would permit in a game. There was a pretty decent genre spawned with Garrett in the Thief series, although American accents aren't exactly the picture of authenticity now, is it?

...What is it with me and hooded ones?

Assassin and Thief
Can you spot the difference, O Brilliant One?
("Assassin's Creed" on the left and "Thief" on the right)

All images and characters belong to their respective owners. If you ask me, however, I would love to own Garrett. And that Assassin's glove.