Gentlewomen, Gentlemen and Genteels in between.
This is the Lyne.
One never sees the Lyne but beholds her.
One never speaks to the Lyne but converses with her.
One never writes to the Lyne, but inscribes to her...

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Happy New Year... Lunar that is...

Xin Nian Kuai Le! Gong Xi Fa Cai!
Wan Shi Ru Yi... Nian Nian You Yu...
Da ji Da Li...

And et cetera, et cetera, et cetera and Peter Cetera.

(God, I love my puns.)

Fifth Day of the New Year. Yeah, I'm late, I know. But boy, talk about hangovers. I was actually out of commission for 24 hours. That's twenty-four mind you. Why is the human stomach so weak? It isn't the work of alcohol alone, but the stomach to give you the ever-favourite of the many who have a good time.

Like me. I just ate and ate... and ate. What the hell. It is the Year of the Pig after all! And what better way to have a good time than to eat your troubles away. So, for me, having a good time to eat until I die. Gluttony, baby!

So nothing's fucking changed for me anyway.
Except for the fact that I've been hinted (jokingly) to quickly get married.
Lekas Lekas Kahwin... What?


Blogger Unknown said...

at least you got the yummy food....... grumble grumble

Thursday, February 22, 2007 9:56:00 pm


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