Gentlewomen, Gentlemen and Genteels in between.
This is the Lyne.
One never sees the Lyne but beholds her.
One never speaks to the Lyne but converses with her.
One never writes to the Lyne, but inscribes to her...

Sunday, April 30, 2006

'Ort! 'Ort! 'Ort!

I can't wait to start killing people again.

Man, it's really weird saying that out loud. Anyway, it is the end of April -- mua-ha-ha-ha, sounds like I killed her -- and the games are shipping in. At least, according to me since I haven't been out of the house to have a good time. No thanks to a certain someone.

Things to do in May...
(1) Go to Suntec and Marina square.
(2) Go to Kinokuniya and buy stuff like Druden, Pons, Themen, etc.
(3) Go eat dim sum or dine at Billy bombers, or both!
(4) Eat myself to death. (In progress)
(5) Meet the dermatologist, psychologist and endocrinologist and then...
(6) Think up of other interesting ways to commit suicide.
(7) Rent some good movies.
(8) Write that creepy occult story I ended up having.
(9) Remember that I'm now twenty-ish. Fuck that.
(10) Try dying from fatigue.

Yep, that about sums up my life. Lah-dee-fucking-dah.

Thursday, April 20, 2006

My First General Elections...

50th post! (God. Sounds RvB spammish there.)

6th May 2006, Saturday
Lo! the dreadful date. Big deal.
Fucking who-who's General Elections.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Blogger's been such a cockbite.
I better do the Michael Yon thing and hope on over to greener pastures.
Can't believe forgot what I wanted to yammer about.
Thank you Blogger Blugger.

Monday, April 17, 2006

Oh, lookie!

Isn't this just adorable?! Aw...
(original URL -

Found it while I was surfing for gay porn last night -- yeah, right -- venting out my frustrations of the modern male inadequacies in the society I live in. So inadequate that a local opposition Member of Parliament was accused of surfing for porn. So this I assume is *yawn* the generic stuff : Local guys must love naked chicks playing and gang bangs and cock in cunts et cetera.

So what is the big deal about porn actually. Singapore isn't a predominantly Muslim or Catholic Society, conservatism isn't exactly what I see on the streets and everyone has sex on their minds all the time. (Buddhism is mangled to beyond recognition.) Why still the ban? I have no idea...

Unless of course the female population is still ignorant of what the Women's Charter is, then, oh boy. We still have a long way to go before a whiff of an abolishment can be caught.

Whatever. I still can't find great Tyrael art. Rgh!

Saturday, April 15, 2006

ia ... Cth-- Cthu-- what?


Now, this is a picture of one of my avatars. Not the best shot, I know, but! He sure is a damned cute thing, isn't he? Look at that cuddly little octopus, tentacles, bulging head, bulbous eyes and if do I allow you to touch him, he jiggles really cute too. ^_^

... Which had me realizing that I have a Cthulhoid fetish. And I like it!

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Good riddance to a shallow person.

Seriously, after all these years. And she still doesn't get it. Well, what do you expect? She is as typical a Singaporean one can find and only understands being a friend only in context. She is married and has a husband to bang her up -- Big deal. Fucking dumb bitch ran away to Australia too. And she's so fucking poor too. So much for breaking a meme trend.

For the decades of supposed "friendship" we had, the greatest betrayal is not knowing what friendship is. What a betrayal. I guess she deserves all that crap since there is no point defending for someone who doesn't appreciate it. Revenge is so absolutely sweet.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006


Woo-Hoo! Malaysia's scrapping the fugly -- I mean it, THAT thing is fucking ugly -- bridge. Seriously, this isn't bending it like Beckham and it does no good having curves like that in this case. Come on! You'll need extra resources for dangerous curvature like that, not to mention the wastefulness out of such a "project". And a bridge that temporarily parts to allow maritime passage? And how the hell is the water supply going to come through? I thought Malaysia wanted money. So much for economics. And this is the end of an annoying straits chapter. That was really gay.

Now, back to what I want.

GRAW... GRAW... (and maybe Black) GRAW...

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Lagging Own-age or Owning Lag-gage

Star Wars in a new light. Hmm.
(Image pulled off

Heh. Reminded me so much of the time there was this Free-for-All on a late Saturday afternoon. XBL is no fun at all during a lag, espcially when spartans started popping all over Ascension... uh, I'm talking about Halo 2.

God, then there this other time when it was Red versus Pink on Midship. Trust me, there was no end to hearing the announcer going "Betrayal" and apologies issued thereafter -- Whose bright idea was it anyway?

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Cocked my head.

(And that sounded wonderfully vulgar. Sweet!)

Argh! Stupid Blogger's a real dick. Why does it always have to be this slow. I guess maybe I hate logging on to this channel. Correction -- Blogspot is a real cockbite.

Check out the news on Rooster Teeth's RvB. Says here that a kid wore this T-shirt printed with a simple "Cockbite" -- a word most fondly associated with the RT gang -- and then some humourless teacher reported this as school misconduct. Honestly! That is just so lame... Which brings me to Asian expletives, which are a whole lot insulting but no one gives a fuck about that.

Me? I wore a school uniform, so what else is there to wear except the same thing day in, day out? Kind of easy on measuring up to the style factor, unless you're stuck in a school with a not-so-neat-looking uniform or a body shape that doesn't suit the dumbassed cutting like box-fucking-pleats. Girls always have it bad. Tough luck, huh.

And the neat thing is... I completely forgot what I wanted to put down here in the first place. Fuck.

Quick Deutsche Nooto

Nooto? Got pretty mixed up there. Uh, what was I gonna write? Oh, yeah --

Earlier this week, I bit my tongue. No shit, and it really did bleed and all. Kinda of strange swallowing my own blood while ingesting a lovely lunch. And just which Goddamned day was that? Ugh, can't remember. So anyway, it still bloody hurts!

And why, you ask, after so many days that delicate mouthpiece (Heh-heh. Good one.) still does? I had to pronounce a nice little word in German : Spricht.


I just can't remember what day was it when I bit my tongue. Damn, I need sleep.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Seriously, what is the point of having emails from "overseas friends" when they don't bother telling you anything at all? Think you're so high and mighty, don't you? Yeah, you're busy. So what? Even a Japanese teacher juggling 2 to 3 jobs writes more decently than a lousy English speaking Aussie-wannabe.

With friends like this, no wonder I'm on meds. And to clear things up, one actually did send me to the psych ward. Fancy that. Who fucking needs "friends" in this case?

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Halo there!

Looking forward to... #1
I am SO looking foward to this
Halo Graphic Novel aka HGN

Looking forward to... #2
Halo 2 Original Soundtrack Volume 2
Yeah, figured Marty's opus wasn't out yet.

I really, really, really hate sorting out my hard drive data... and then backing them all up afterwards (duh). No surprise that OCD is alive and kicking in me. Wonder why I keeop downloading stuff and then realize -- much to my displeasure -- that I have several duplicates residing within. Ugh.

Speaking of alive and kicking, does it mean Tucker had an alien baby? Sounds absolutely adorable. "Honk! Honk! Honk!" And O'Malley is in Sarge? Jesus, of all the people. Sarge. Can't wait for the next season of Red Versus Blue. Meh, I'll hype about it later.

Oh, look. Channel 5 really has run out of shows to broadcast. They're showing the lovely Victoria's Secret show. Again. Like I care. Seriously, what's the point of wearing undies the price of a monthly tuition fee when no one would see it?

What stupid man would care looking at almost naked women with bits of fabric/odd materials hiding their naughty parts? Either show them fully naked or wearing an awesome clothing line, man. Me? I'd like my share of... er, naked men, thank you. For all those who assumed I am a lesbian, guess I'll have to disappoint you miserable lot. Turns out I am as heterosexual as they get. So go gossip about someone else.

Yay, procrastinating rulez... Back to work. Uagh.