Gentlewomen, Gentlemen and Genteels in between.
This is the Lyne.
One never sees the Lyne but beholds her.
One never speaks to the Lyne but converses with her.
One never writes to the Lyne, but inscribes to her...

Monday, February 09, 2009

You know --

Cigarettes are cool...

because there's Menthol. Duh!

~ The Yeoman Lyne ~

Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Battlestar Galactic-- Wha...?

Wait, wait, wait... What?!

Now, I'm really confused. What just happened with the plot to assassinate the Commanders of the Galactica and Pegasus? And wasn't there this kickass thing with the the ships duking it out? And now we have mystery on our hands...

Eh? Discontinuity?! What the frak is going on?

Note : Doesn't help when I'm frakking busy the entire week... How the hell does this happen? Shit, I don't know! And it's not even the bleedin' Chinese New Year yet. Rgh!!!

~ Signed ~
A really confused Lyne

Monday, January 05, 2009

Seborrheic Sephora

Makeup Logo


Where in Singabore is the damned cosmetics store? Not that I really need stuff but what the hell? I would so love to spruce up. And being one of the Accursèd Oily-Eyelidded people, I have special peculiarities. "Special" is the operative word, people!

So much for Googling up stuff that tells you nothing. Tch! And it confirms the fact that when it comes to women, nothing gets done right. It's like things were done up by airheads for airhead... Typical!

And so I dug up these "factoids"...
(1) DFS at the Scotts Road area has a Sephora shop stand.
Not the store itself but, it's a start.

(2) Ngee Ann City would be the locale.
So says Channel News Asia, not that the local broadcast is decent, mind you.

(3) The Watson's at the basement is Sephora's new dive.
And is exactly where this supposed retail outlet is.

(4) Opened in Mid-December 2008, the 19th to be exact.
WTF, I was thereabouts on the 22nd and I didn't see anything. Neither did the girls.

What a Nancy Drew mystery.

~ Signed ~
An Annoyed Yeoman Lyne

Sunday, January 04, 2009

SilverHawks Wing It

Guess what I did over the weekend? I actually used the DVD player downstairs and popped a certain disc into the machine. Must admit, I have been putting off watching my collections in their entirety. (grammatically kooky, never mind...)

And this thing is just one of those sets in my trusty collection.

Shiniest DVD set I have

Holy Cow, that was like WAAAAAAAAAAAY and I bought this baby because no one wanted to? Maybe. I just had to have it? What the Buck. Because it is very shiny? Yeah, I'm a human magpie of sorts...

Look, whatever the reason, I still think it's nice to reminisce stuff. So what if I am old(er) and know stuff that most ordinary people do not? Important thing is, I like having stuff I like. I even have the View-Master reels to prove it! :p

I love the leader "Quick Silver", not as much as Optimus Prime though. Just the design... Aw, hell, you know what? I can't remember why I loved this series so much other than the metallic frenzy. (Thank you, Electro-Convulsive Therapy.) So I think I'll just watch the damned thing.

Note to self : I was one hell of a disturbed child. Make memoir?

~ Signed ~
A Yeoman Lyne

Saturday, January 03, 2009

Dance Six Minutes Away

Evolution of Dance

Self-explanatory. I mean, "Wow". I just saw my teenage years flash by. And -- Oh Gawd!! The stupid chicken dance is there (ROFL). Not bad at all, missed out on a few earlier era ones after Chubby Checker... but WHO CARES?! I don't have that kind of stamina or a limber enough body to pull off some of those moves again. Why fret when there is YouTube, where someone else can do it for you!

Note : I'm noticing a pattern with my posts. YouTubey Critiques maybe?

~ Signed ~
A Yeoman Lyne


Friday, January 02, 2009

"Captain Not-So-Slow" apparently

Well, bugger me stupid. I could have sworn "Captain Slow" (James May) was at my speed. And now we are officially off to a speedy start this a new year...

(Oh, God. A vehicular reference is one of my resolutions.)

Jeremy and Richard eat Slow dust.
A new meaning to the phrase "Godspeed".

Let me ask you this, why would anyone need a car so fast on an island so small, that you'd practically reach your destination when you rev the bloody engine? ...And then slam into a lamp post or any other miscellaneous vertical object, to just die. Yay for tasteless humour. Small country + big car = Not a good idea.

Edit : I fucking hate Blogger.. Thanks for fucking up good old HTML codes.


Thursday, January 01, 2009

Yew Near Dey

Happy New Year!!

Or was it Harpy Yew Near?

Hell, I don't know... Don't care really. Think I'll just go and either (a)hibernate or (b)lie down and die. The latter seems more appealing. Let's get this pig over and done with already! Along with the resolute shit.


~ Signed ~
A Lyne Yeoman

Sunday, May 04, 2008

Force Fourth this!

"May the Fourth be with you."

...and you...

...and you...

... yes, and you right over there as well.

Again, this is that stupid ritual I do. EVERY DAMNED YEAR. It's pretty obvious to Star Wars fans, provided you do pay attention to what Alec Guinness says in the classic... Seriously, what has Star Wars got to do with this entry (other than the obvious phonetics)? Beats me.

Alec Guinness was pretty cool in Lawrence of Arabia. And wasn't he in Doctor Zhivago too? Yeah, Omar Shariff's cool too. And now, all hell breaks loose! Let's play the association game, shall we?

Star Wars >> Alec Guinness >> Doctor Zhivago >> Omar Sharif >> Horses

Therefore... Star Wars = equines? Hmm.

Thursday, May 01, 2008

Mayday, Mayday.

You know, come any First of May (which is, uh, today), my mind takes a road trip back to this thing called nostalgia... What? I'm not that old! Yeeesh, what is wrong with you people?

Growing up -- almost normally, thank you very much -- I always chance upon this audio tape cassette and the cover just strikes me as, I don't know, perfect. Jesus, getting all mushy pie here. And it is the Best of Bee Gees [Volume One].

Bee Gees in Yellow

Something about this image has this presence I just can't quite describe. And notice there are four Brothers Gibb and not three. Mysterious, eh? Well any damn fool can Google about the Bee Gees.

No thanks to the wonders of's image scanning technology, the image above is absolute crap. I don't remember it being this orange; yellow is what I remember. And the words being this choppy. Or the red being this... magenta. Yay, for sarcasm.

"First of May" is the first song I ever heard from the Bee Gees. The lyrics just hit me right too. Boy, I must have been a really deep kid at 5. Now that I'm touching thirty... I miss a lot of things. Spare me a twinkling of a moment while I wear my heart on my sleeve. Sadness, joy and memories are all parts of being human I suppose.

When I was small and Christmas trees were tall, we used to love while others used to play...

Just be warned : Don't cut me some compassionate slack and I'll fucking murder your family. Just don't be surprised you'll find yourself eating some funky tasting curry me. It's good to be me.

Another Sidenote : Yay! My cousin's back... Damn, has he missed out on the wonders of Adult Swim.