Gentlewomen, Gentlemen and Genteels in between.
This is the Lyne.
One never sees the Lyne but beholds her.
One never speaks to the Lyne but converses with her.
One never writes to the Lyne, but inscribes to her...

Sunday, October 30, 2005

"When the spirit lifts..."

"When the spirit lifts, we might need another trip to the liquor cabinet."

Ah, yes. As I let my hair dry, after a refreshingly hot shower I cannot describe how it feels when cleanliness soothes it all. Simply because my brains went down the drain along with the filth. La-dee-dah.

So I was struck by an inspirational moment. Here I had a conversation with one from the family, and this delightful nugget had to come up. Obviously in the context of comparisons and superlatives, I went to the extremes by making a statement with Kofi Annan in it... if you tend to play with a litle graphology, neatness is his, uh, trait.

"Chap's so neat, probably has his dinner plates arranged in alphabetical order."

If there is such a possibility of doing so, do let me know. I would like to have suggestions on how to arrange my CD collection in that order. I am so in desperate need of a little organisation in my life. And if you are Kofi Annan, you need not apply.

Saturday, October 29, 2005

"It shows, huh?"

So I haven't been the chummiest sort of fellow in a while.

Not that I can help it -- or then again -- the mood has been dipping in the lows... Almost like a barometer there. And Heavens be praised, the monsoon is here. I find myself gorging to an early grave, I wonder why I want to fill up an insatiable hunger that can never quite be satisfied. Tch.

I want to be away from people, even from those that I want to be near. And yet all I can think of is running away and hoping no one would come to find me. And being forgotten is the most painful thing I can ever possibly think of not ever going through that again. Death would be the easiest resolution to all the pangs of having sentience and ridding this crazy world of one less sorry bloke. There just aren't that many people cracked out to be in this whacky planet.

How I love delving in depressive repose. Honestly, it makes you humble and the fact that you can be in a world all to yourself helps in a twisted therapeutic way. Of sorts... I guess. Halloweenie Season is nigh.

(Oh, and I did up the place a little. Obvious, isn't it?)

Monday, October 24, 2005

And the food is...

I just returned from a day's trip to the neighbouring estate.

Din Tai Fung was...disappointing. I shall quote from a friend of mine that it may just suit the Northern Chinese's tastebuds, but mine are a good mix of Asian Ethnicities and so I cannot be easily pleased.

Believe it or not, they even messed up my orders. First by missing out on one and then mixing up with another's. But to be honest, I cannot appreciate the pungent flavour of pork. It was a complete repulsion the moment I had my first dumpling. Otherwise the only redeemables were the chicken broth and the fried rice. Otherwise the joint is a pricey pork lover's haven.

* A diversionary note *

And in other news, I have found myself attracted to certain male physical characteristics. Perhaps the features of simplicity and symmetry played out well. Oddly enough these were found in mere heartlanders. And if only one took time to look, they were not as bad as the local females deemed them to be.

Now if only character had a hand in it...

Sunday, October 16, 2005

"This is the story of my life..."

Or, in more precise terms, why I have not dawdled about the Internet in a while.

My current preoccupation has been won over by wonderful -- not to mention video hogging games -- and sadly, I have been using my computer solely for social deprivation. How lovely! The Sims 2 along with the University Expansion Pack. Has wasted 2 months of my life. Not that I find any fault in there. Max Payne 2 was sweetly refreshing, although I would have preferred to have gotten the first. (I think I was sore enough to have not gotten it since I was in computer school and then smacked by a vicious virus.)

And now my wishlist grows...which I will further elaborate in future.

Secondly! Secondly I had a bunch of encounters with people so real, it makes you wonder how the hell do we have idiots (perfect word of the moment!) running the planet when all they choose to merely ingest the food set in front of them? And that I do not mean leaders or even a Ukrainian President(?) either. How arrogant a certain few individuals have become and thinking that they can put down someone just by seeing the outside packaging or speculating. Hypocrisy indeed. I wished there were more people like my therapist, teacher, doctors and a thrown in family friend.

Thirdly. Since my online inactivity, my email accounts were deleted, my passwords were forgotten and I simply lost interest. It has become quite a pain, really, to write even in this blog. Still, I think MSN's Hotmail is the rudest service around. Too bad I do intend to scrap the mailing sevice.

And finally, the last of my reasons and divinely flawless excuses (hahaha!) for being MIA for so long was that I returned to my first love... No! Not Boba Fett. Reading. In fact, I even decided to forego sleep for two nights just so that I could feed my insatiable curiosity. Lack of sleep works wonder or your creativity -- and with a Tom Clancy book in hand, a fine honing of paranoia. I kid you not.

So now I sign off. To recharge and refuel my so-called "need" for an Internet social life. And then after which I resume Ghost recon. Hoorah!