Gentlewomen, Gentlemen and Genteels in between.
This is the Lyne.
One never sees the Lyne but beholds her.
One never speaks to the Lyne but converses with her.
One never writes to the Lyne, but inscribes to her...

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

"Hadal Depths of Mythic Proportions"

Or whatever else I had intended to state... And the realization has dawned on me that I have not written my fantasy novella for the past six years. Six years?! Really? Oh my God. I have a use for stranger Chimaera Genre anthropomorphs now.

I love that word. Hadal --

-- and back to the issue here. Some Japanese oceanographers / researchers captured my dreaded friend on the reel. Sweet Jesus! I am so freaked out by these giant squids. Just why do they have to get so big anyway? I guess that does explain why sperm whales get to that size.... Ah, the tight bonds of the evolutionary connection.

Giant squids freak me out nonetheless. Yergh.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Fuckin' Dumb Luck. Again.


Believe it or not, I sure as hell could never bring myself to. 27th November, 2004 There was this auto-accident outside of my house. Barely a year later and this thing happens. Again.

I sure am pissed as hell. Especially since I got a bad cold. Runny nose and all.

Saturday, September 10, 2005

I adore these lessons.

I attend Japanese lessons... Which makes me wonder exactly which languages interest me, apart from the aforementioned.

English. Japanese. German. Spanish. French.

Swahili? Maybe.

Friday, September 09, 2005

Another year of me.

Happy Birthday Me !!!

Well, all in the cause of self-loving. Not an obsession, of course. I mean, it should play a significant role in the psyche of recognizing... Aw, who am I kidding. Who doesn't like to have a day of her own? And now there is no further denying the truth that I am not longer sixteen years old.

I leave you with these words of wisdom...

"I'm thirty-seven."
"I'm thirty-seven. I'm not old."

Year out from me.

Monday, September 05, 2005

I can't think either.

My chum here says, "I Can't Think of a Good Name Blog".

Lucky for her I apparently find myself in a similar sort of predicament. It just so happens I can't think of what to write today either. Need sleep... Wait a minute, is it Freddie Mercury Day?

Sunday, September 04, 2005

"The 1st is my birthday."

(edit : Just realised I have this bizarre habit of clicking on the left-most button in a confirmation dialogue. No wonder why I lost some of my SIMS 2 game saves... and that nothing appeared on my Blog for two days.)

Well, here I present to you a little trivial nugget :

I was born on the first of the Lunar Eighth Month, which means no more Seventh Month hocus-pocus and miscellaneous superstitions which have neither bases to be fact or fiction. How, decidedly charmed of me.

... Which had me finding a centipede in my toilet bowl. Hmm.
... And then a mynah with a broken leg. Oh.

Saturday, September 03, 2005

Third Day, so uncharmed.

(edit : Just realised I have this bizarre habit of clicking on the left-most button in a confirmation dialogue. No wonder why I lost some of my SIMS 2 game saves... and that nothing appeared on my Blog for two days.)

Buh, it was a lousy Saturday. And to top it all off, the sound of a jackhammer was simply undelightful. The night before, I had trouble sleeping -- partly due to the fact that I spent 8 hours in a row sitting in front of a computer screen.

Japanese lesson was fun too, although it could have been more fun. I had a shot of Starbucks -- blech -- to keep me awake throughout the lesson, actually only an hour or so. In the end, the caffeine did little to spare me the embarassment of mishearing the Sensei.

Whatever. Wakarimasen can also be used to the extent of "I wouldn't know."

Friday, September 02, 2005

Surprises, Surprises.

Couldn't life get sweeter than this?


I guess not. At least, for now.

This is my card

The Shu always loves pleasant surprises. A present makes it even better. Pity, I thought it was a big envelope of money. Meither Mumsy or Da would give me something red packet this big. But, alas, the value of this one is even greater than that of hard currency. Bless the sentimentality. For this I am grateful that apathy is not my strongest point.

Thursday, September 01, 2005

First Post.

How very droll.

Indeed, this is my first, although not my very first. So let's see where this one goes. This is my story -- if you could ever call it that -- and it is obviously human in nature that the Shu wants an audience to hear her out.

... And the oddity doesn't stop there. The Shu often refers to herself as a third person. Maybe it is an eccentric form of self-love? Alas, I can't say for sure.

Welcome to my life Try not to indulge in my torment, please!

~ Shu