Gentlewomen, Gentlemen and Genteels in between.
This is the Lyne.
One never sees the Lyne but beholds her.
One never speaks to the Lyne but converses with her.
One never writes to the Lyne, but inscribes to her...

Friday, April 20, 2007

Kill Everyone.

So I disappeared again for a bit. Got a cold again, you know? And after which I also did some useless thing with Ristar. My last therapy session was over too, yay! Watched the news also, the lonely (not to mention ugly) sod -

That V Tech Killer whopped some serious ass! You know, the least he could have done is kill some of the guys on Singapore's BOB, or at least get rid of some leet smack-talkers. And after his rampage he does the most cowardly thing possible, kill himself. How gay is that? So question is, why do mass murderers always kill themselves?

Hmm, question of the year.

Say, does anyone remember the game where killing everyone in the world in the goal and with just a simple mouse-click? Too bad about having to register, because frankly, I couldn't care for another password in my head. KILL EVERYONE!

Monday, April 09, 2007

Mob Mentality

Oh, man.

I think there is some real potential in flash mobs. And screw politics! The humour factor is there, provided one (or rather, the masterminds) establishes solid safety rules. And since it is bound to go whizzing by like a "flash", it is meant to be quick comic relief. And last but not least, delight in traipsing between the delicate balance of legality, order and chaos.

Introducing... 100-Persons Crowd Mentality!!!


Sunday, April 08, 2007

Where's My Easter Bonnet?

Happy Easter All!

News has it that various Christian denominations are celebrating the resurrecting of that Jesus-dude, and on the same day? Orthodox too?! Wow! How cool is that?

And you know what I really hate? Completely and/or obviously ignorant people wishing Happy Easter before the day itself. And why do I pick such a qualm about it? The fucking vigil is not over yet, you fucktards. Solemnity should be in order.

Strange, this coming from me since I haven't attended obligatory mass in almost a decade. And that I'm not a religious person. I'm a prissy protocol prick. So bite me, pagan.

Friday, April 06, 2007

Random Silliness

So, Malaysia kicks up a fuss about the negative feedback on a certain automobile (a.k.a. M's Brainchild). BBC's Top Gear dishes out this harsh little nugget, with not-so-jolly Jeremy Clarkson destroying the little petrol eater. My say? Well...

Mr. Clarkson does a nasty thing to Malaysia's progenitor of the kancil. You mind doing a little research on the effigy-symbolism, ya old fart? Youngsters tend to do that, and you're a little too old for skipping out on the minor technicalities. (Doobie Brothers indeed!)

The Mousedeer or Sang Kancil is the clever animal of the jungle, according to Malayan folklore. Notice I put there Malayan which includes the tiny little country I just so happen to be born in. And, yes, it is a country. Perodua tactics veer towards economizing for the casual driver and not a fugging Supercar driver with an obvious beer belly.

(Petrol is fuckin' expensive, yo.)

And, of course, good old Malaysia loves to kick up a fuss about any damned thing. The patriotic propaganda spread across its lands (and mine, sadly), is very droll. Think of walk-by parades like those in North Korea and you get my drift. So Proton, Perodua and et cetera defines her identity.

How could you take a show like "Top Gear" so seriously? Ask Richard "The Hamster" Hammond himself. Oh, wait, he almost died in that serious car crash, didn't he? What kind of sane person would subject himself to attempt breaking the world record involving a high-speed automotive accident? Seriously now.

Anyone notice how similar the flags of the United States and Malaysia are?

Jeremy Clarkson makes an ugly teapot. Yeugh!
The World According to a... Teapot?

Note #1 : I do not hate Top Gear. Far from it. Captain Slow is the hero of my speed, so there is no need to speed through it all. And Hamster? Well, men who look that good deserve lovely teeth.

Note #2 : My blog commenting on such current things proves that my brain has burned out. Still, it is weird to see one of my "guilty pleasures" (did I say that out loud?) on the front page of Mediacorp's Today newspaper.

*See also

Thursday, April 05, 2007

April is Here

And I am sick. Again.

What is it with me and new months? I hate the fact that on the first of every month in 2007 AD, the Common Cold embraces me in its thick, muscous-laden kind of way. Thank you, Year of the Pig in the 21st century.

So while I sniffle my way through to recovery. Here are my gripes...

> I still don't have an Xbox 360.
> Windows Vista has to wait for me (which leads me to...)
> The Nvidia 8800 is fucking expensive.
> Yes, money is an issue for me.
> A S$30,000 inheritance is too fucking little. (I deserve double that.)
> The world is still gay. And still full of fucktards.
> "Road of the Patriarch" Paperback will be out in... July.

Jesus. And it's Maundy Thursday today. Rgh.

Oh! And Red versus Blue is stopping at 100. Well, I would be inclined to burst into a nostalgic traditional song of farewell, but I am not short of being a heartless prick. Still, four years and a hundred bleedin' episodes is a long way to go. Thank you, Blood Gulch Outpost Alpha. You will be missed.