Gentlewomen, Gentlemen and Genteels in between.
This is the Lyne.
One never sees the Lyne but beholds her.
One never speaks to the Lyne but converses with her.
One never writes to the Lyne, but inscribes to her...

Thursday, January 18, 2007

So Book Me!!!


Ran over to my cuz's old place -- finally -- and snatched his book collection... or what was left of it. So now I have his classic "Small Arms" book (I love guns), the F-16 writeup (my eternal favourite), Dragons of Pern series (lots of 'em, wow...) and finally! the, uh, earlier Eddings stuff. Yay!

Babara Hambly's Dragonsbane
This book has been declared missing.
(at least in the home collections)

"Why is this book so important?" One may ask. Well, I am an emotional little thing and sentimentality strings along with the roller coaster ride that is my manic mood mayhem.

It is very special in my most treasured of memories, and if you can't understand that, don't worry. Most people are too stupid to understand what having an attachment is (and it's not that thing you find on emails, dumbass). And I can boast a long-term memory, unrivalled in my family. :p

This was one of my favourite stories, outside of the generic fantasy or Tolkien blarghs. Funny thing happened last night, I saw an entry of Bree from CS Lewis' "The Horse and His boy". Ah, my fledgling days in the world of myths and legends.

And the last time I read it was in 1992, I think? So what's it like seeing an old friend? Nostalgisk. Er, Nostalgic. (What was that?! Swedish?)

Oh, yeah, speaking of Swedes. Reason why hadn't I updated yesterday was that I was too shagged out to type anything, after spending hours at IKEA. Damn, so much to do and it's not even February yet...


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