The Sim-sational Weekend
Okay, so I should be kicked for a pun like that.
-- And I lied. It wasn't as Sim-sational as I put it, rather, I had
Speaking of which, I'd better pop by the chockful of Simmish things at Mod The Sims 2. Because four months of not tweaking with the All-Powerful "boolProp" renders one with a critical case of amnesia. It's a lot to mess around with when you want an entire neighbourhood of your very own Sims. (WARNING : Tweaking for seasoned or advanced players only.)
Yes, me Geek / Nerd. What's wrong with creating your own thing?
See that one above there? I made him myself, huh! Pasty faced too. Hmm, have to change the attire on that Sim, and his hair's too... Huh? Wha? Oh. Hairdos. I also had my hair done today, in case you were wondering. Just why did I so spontaneously agree to accompany Mumsy on a trip to the salon? Maybe it's not so bad tidying up the shag, eh? Although I would like to spend a little less time on my ass. NO WAY am I re-bonding. Not now, not ever.
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