Gentlewomen, Gentlemen and Genteels in between.
This is the Lyne.
One never sees the Lyne but beholds her.
One never speaks to the Lyne but converses with her.
One never writes to the Lyne, but inscribes to her...

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

The blinkin' turd, I mean, Third!

Ah, the New Year...

Not that it is of great significance other than a change of Gregorian calendars. Speaking of which I have to change mine. Nothing against a cousin of mine, but I just couldn't wait to get rid of this ultra cute thing I've been seeing for 52 weeks. Yech.

Intro! Yes, I am the Lyne and I am back. For how long more? Who can say... except my dear friend Mister Zopiclone of course. It has been almost five months since I last blogged. Don't know if that is a good thing or not. No drastic changes from the last anyone as heard from me. Oh, and I still swear a lot, so I should forget about including that as a resolution.

Now, what called for the hiatus? Simple...
(I have a chronic thing for damned prioritized lists)

1. I just wasn't in the mood.
Still am though, so don't think a bad mood is something to be taken lightly in my case. You can check my lousy bill (not to mention, bill$) of mental health with the hospital... that's only a couple of blocks away from my home. No wonder why I loves going to a sickhouse. Tch.

2. My computer is back on line! And fuckin' hard work brought it back.
It was in the wee hours of September 16th, 2006. And after I installed Hitman : Silent Assassin, I bade goodbye to my hard disks and my sanity. How my SHLWAPI.DLL got all fucked up like those five whores, who knows. Oh, Atari how could you? I don't hate Mr. 47 but I'm terrified of him as Hitman 2. When will I see the man in glorious PC 3D again?

3. New hobbies.
And one of them includes putting on weight. Come on! I live to be gluttonous. And to cook. Yes, I like cooking and if you look at me funny just because I said that, I'll stick my brand new knife into your eyeball. Yum. Vitreous Humour.

4. I found a new boyfriend.
Fucked I be if he was real though. And also, I gots me some new books. Yes, I am a horny bibliophile too. Sad person I am, so many problems, so little mental prowess.

5. ...
I dunno. I just liked seeing my list hit the number five.

And if ye wants to be making contact with me, do so. I couldn't possibly care more in my current state. But if you are a certain married bint now residing in Melbourne you can rot in hell for all my empathy's worth.

My, aren't we social creatures? How that pretty much makes me a... Sim.


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