Gentlewomen, Gentlemen and Genteels in between.
This is the Lyne.
One never sees the Lyne but beholds her.
One never speaks to the Lyne but converses with her.
One never writes to the Lyne, but inscribes to her...

Monday, May 22, 2006


Ben Stiller is WORKIN' it, baby!
Sashay? What the fuck is a sashay?

I saw a writeup on the local schmut -- eh, news media during the weekend and I have to say this is most surprising. Yeah, right. I wonder how the hell it slipped past the censorship board of Sporeasia is beyond me. Here comes Zoolander : The DVD.

Now, the movie itself, in all its former big screen glory, was actually screened in Singapore for a fortnight. And then, some goody-assed people must have spoken up to the censors about the plot... Which would be offensive (really?) to the neighbour. So all cineplexes scrapped the film.

Damnable them and I didn't get a chance to watch it. By the time I did catch wind of it -- and when it was on off-peak ticketing price day -- the theatres took the thing off. Oh, lah-fucking-dee-dah.

Come on! What is so offensive about assassinating a fictional Malasyian president who is against child labour? Seriously! No thanks to a then grating Buttock Matahir -- giving him a meaner name would insult the insult -- who had a donkey's sense of humour.

If there really was a president, then there wouldn't be a Monarchy would there? Agong dan Puteri pergi mana ni? And it is sad Sporeland has to be named a republic. It's not like everyone adores the queen or something either. A fucking republic. (A what?) And an impregnable fortress of Malaya was knocked up pretty well too...


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