Gentlewomen, Gentlemen and Genteels in between.
This is the Lyne.
One never sees the Lyne but beholds her.
One never speaks to the Lyne but converses with her.
One never writes to the Lyne, but inscribes to her...

Sunday, May 07, 2006

The results are in...

The results are in--dubitably predictable I say.

But Teochew pride rules. Woo hoo! Uh, yeah, whatever. I couldn't care. There was this write-up in a local newspaper, saying that the residents of the contested single member constituency of Hougang mustered their courage to vote for the opposition.

Brave enough to make a choice, they say. But these good people know that money will not buy their hearts. Go them! Low Thia Khiang -- there are just too many family friends named "Low" from my Teochew side, ugh! -- has enough charisma to put fresh-faced, fledgling politicans to shame. Gawd! Even my Da calls Low his "Action Hero" (optional dialect accent included).

At least I could trust Mister Low. His predecessor, JB Jeyaretnam, had far too much facial hair for me to, well, like. He looked strikingly similar to an Abe Lincoln (with a mutton chops overdose) sporting a trishaw driver's attire*, while he chanted "The Hammer!"** in his heydays of manifesto distribution in Bedok's Markets...

Ah, I miss the glory days.

Oh, and PAP dominated -- er, I mean, uh -- got my estate. East Coast? Oh, please. Seriously, my place has everything except a public swimming pool and a public library. We have a hospital here (beat that!) in this charming little estate named after the Four Beauties of Chinese Legend, which has absolutely no relevance whatsoever to the country in the first place. I think my tiny estate should be a constituency on its own. Small but has [almost] everything. :p

* Geez! What a weird visualization. (shudders)
** Ah hah! I was right! The Workers' Party hammer symbol is called a ball-peen hammer.